Category: Exercises

Muscles Women Should Train

While men and women are susceptible to osteoporosis, it is more common in women due to low levels of calcium, and women who are ectomorphs (thin body type) are even more prone. The main...

Quick Fit Tips

I see a lot of people in the gym trying to lift more weight than what they should. How do I know this? Their form is terrible.  If you’re practically laying down while performing a...

Abdominal Exercise While Pregnant!

           To start the exercise sit upright on a stability ball as shown (upper), inhale & lean back from the hips as shown (lower) until the abdominal muscles engage holding...

pregnant back pain

Pregnant Back Pain?

The pelvic floor muscles are something women should pay attention to not just when they’re pregnant, or postpartum, but throughout their entire lives.  These muscles range from the pubic bone to the tailbone, not...

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

When you have a back injury especially a herniated/slipped disc, the doctors recommend flexion and extension.  The two exercises that are used for this are typically flexion while sitting (shown above), and standing in...

Posture a Key to Exercise

Posture is very important for any and all lifts.  If you can’t keep the natural arch in your spine while performing bicep curls, tricep presses or any pull from the ground, you’re not going...

Why Kettlebells?

Why did I choose Kettlebells? About 10 years ago I found an article on the swing in one of the popular fitness magazines.  After reading about it, and seeing this big iron ball with...

Muscle Fibers and Uses

Intro to Muscle Fibers: There are three different muscle fibers: The first one I’m going to discuss is type 1 muscle fiber. This fiber is red in pigment (color) due to it’s content of...

Winter Workouts

Most people think that the best time to get in shape is in the summer time, well there is a couple things wrong with that school of thought.  Number one Rome wasn’t built in...

Protect Your Back

Protect your back while performing overhead lifts. There are a few simple things that I’ve found very useful and must be employed to lift effectively. First you want to breath deep into your abdomen...