Category: Quick Fit Tips

Quick Exercise Tips for Getting Fit

Running Event

With the Jerusalem Marathon this Friday I feel it’s pertinent to share this: I suggest everyone should be eating carbohydrates (carbs) to help sustain energy levels for the event especially if you’re running the...

To Plank or Not to Plank

A client of mine recently asked what I thought about planks? The client then proceeds to tell me that there is this new system out there where if you hold a plank for 20...

Sweat In Your Eyes

Recently someone asked me this question: How do I keep sweat out of my eyes while exercising?  I’ve found that by wearing an UnderArmour skull cap prevents sweat from dripping into my eyes.  The...

How To Breath

  When performing a stiff leg deadlift, it’s important to know exactly how to breath. At the start of the movement when you hinge at the hips and bend down, you want to exhale....

Muscles Women Should Train

While men and women are susceptible to osteoporosis, it is more common in women due to low levels of calcium, and women who are ectomorphs (thin body type) are even more prone. The main...

Quick Fit Tips

I see a lot of people in the gym trying to lift more weight than what they should. How do I know this? Their form is terrible.  If you’re practically laying down while performing a...